Year: 2020
Detailed 10-part report [to be] submitted to state and federal law and education authorities by Nevada Journal. This report documents in detail the flagrant falsification
Part 1: Foreword Part 2: Hidden realities of CCSD Part 3: Affidavit – What went down at Treem ES Part 4A: Affidavit – What went
CCSD’s systemic problem and its expensive consequences, Part 1 The larger the district, the more waste and corruption. CCSD’s systemic problem and its expensive consequences,
“We’ve called for your observation,” Principal Brown said to Oliver, “and for some reason they won’t give it to us. And our admin is very
loreum floreium
In the 20-plus years since Nevada Journal first began reporting on the Clark County School District, teachers and other employees have regularly contacted NJ regarding
This graphic shows how CCSD’s version of the Infinite Campus grading software-ensemble allows largely transparent layers with false grades to be created and placed on
After working intermittently as a substitute teacher from 2014 onward, James Oliver achieved his state teaching license early in 2018 through Nevada’s Alternative Route to
IMG 3184: A blank test page (Note: Kids’ names are coded, in this public version. Law enforcement, et al, receive full identifiers.) This is a